Horse training videos by professional trainer Larry Trocha. The videos get right to the point without unnecessary fluff or B.S.
Cutting & Reining Horse Trainer,
Larry Trocha
Hi, I’m Larry Trocha.
If you’d like to know how to teach your horse to stop, spin, rollback, change leads, work cattle or correct bad behavior problems… you can learn exactly how to do it right here.
Featured Online Streaming Video
Flying Lead Change Secrets… Only $7.00
How to successfully teach flying lead changes without the fear of messing your horse up. You’ll see step-by-step how to get the job done. Strait-forward instruction without any unnecessary B.S. Have you always wanted to do flying lead changes but don’t know how? If so, this online video training course contains the instruction you’re looking for.
Featured Online Streaming Video
How to Fix Horses that Buck, Rear, Bite, Kick or Spook… and a Whole Lot More!
If your horse has bad behavior problems, this is the training course for you. Doesn’t matter if the behavior is just annoying or seriously dangerous, you’ll see exactly how to correct it. 100% Guarantee
Featured Online Streaming Video
If Your Horse Won’t Slow Down or Stop… Won’t Take The Correct Lead… Won’t Side-Pass or Easily Turn… You Need to See This!
This “Control Blueprint” enables you to ride with confidence… knowing you can easily slow down, stop, turn, side-pass, get the correct lead & more… at any time, in any situation. 100% Guarantee.

Featured Online Streaming Video
Cutting Horse Know How
How To Ride, Train & Show Cutting Horses
The most complete and in-depth instruction (for both horse & rider) available anywhere. You’ll get more out of this training course than any other cutting horse videos ever created. 100% Guarantee

How To Choose The Right Bit For Your Performance Horse
By Larry Trocha
Use this proven bitting process to help your horse. Discover what bits to use & when to use them.

Reining Horse Training for Longer Sliding Stops
By Larry Trocha
Learn what it takes for a reining horse or reined cow horse to perform big-time sliding stops. This reining horse training covers a lot of information you’ll find valuable.

Choosing The Right Saddle For Reining Or Cutting (Applies to trail riders too)
By Larry Trocha
A pro’s advice about choosing a saddle that will help you ride in balance and sit the stop.

How To Prevent Leg Problems In Performance Horses
By Larry Trocha
Reining, cutting, barrel racing, roping and extreme trail riding puts a lot of strain on your horse’s legs. This information could help keep your horse sound.
Horse Training Success Story
The Quarter Horse News
17-Year-Old Kid Trained His Own Horse And WON
The National Reining Horse Assoc Futurity, Limited Non-Pro Title.
Said he watched “ONE” training video over and over.
The kid’s name is Clayton Eggers and the training video he watched is…
“Teach Your Horse to Rollback & Spin“
Read the whole story in his Quarter Horse News interview.