About Reining and Cutting Horse Trainer, Larry Trocha

Cutting & Reining Horse Trainer, Larry Trocha
Hi, I’m Larry Trocha.
Over many years working with cutting, reining and working cow horses, I’ve developed a successful training program designed to teach horses to stop, spin, rollback, change leads and work cattle. You can see my training and lesson fees here.
I’ve also helped many clients fix their horse’s bad behavior problems; bucking, rearing, biting, kicking & spooking.
I’m happy to share this specialized knowledge with you through my series of Horse Training DVDs and Online Horse Training Videos.
Larry Trocha is a performance horse trainer located in northern California.
Larry offers training for cutting horses, reined cow horses, reining horses, ranch versatility horses and basic to advanced horsemanship.
Larry Trocha Training Stable
Located 30 min. south of Sacramento:
Sliding J Ranch
24680 Tully Rd.
Acampo, CA 95220
Phone: 209-642-2804Mailing address:
25595 Graham Rd.
Galt, CA 95632
Now is the perfect time to take advantage of Larry Trocha’s knowledge and experience. Have Larry train your horse to a higher level of performance.
Or, sign up for Larry’s super lessons to advance your riding skills.
Here’s what you can expect…
Expert training for every level of horse, from green colts to finished horses.
In business since 1980, Larry has trained winning horses in all three events, including association champions, circuit champions, and limited-age event champions.
Horses that Larry has trained have chalked up many wins and championships!
Some of Larry’s favorites include…
"SH Ceethisslykitten", 2012 El Rancho Futurity Finalist (placed 3rd out of 156 entries)
Owner: Sibyl Day. Trained & shown by Larry Trocha
"Dainty Smoothie King", 2010 ICHA Futurity Finalist
Owner: Fiina Ugrin-Jolley. Trained & shown by Larry Trocha
“San Man Shorty”, 2008 Cutting Futurity Finalist
owned and shown by Larry Trocha
- “Cal Filly Bar”, AQHA Superior Cutting Champion.
- “Scootum Over Tesa”, WCHA Open Working Cow Horse Champion.
- “Freckle Olena”, Reserve Champion Nevada Spectacular Cutting Futurity.
- “I’m An Alibi”, Finalist of two west coast Cutting futurities.
- “Willy A Dell”, Champion of two Pacific coast Cutting Derbys.
- “Nap O’Lena”, WCHA Open Reining Champion.
- “Handle Bars Fling”, Multiple Derby Finalist. NCHA Derby Semi-Finalist.
- “Home Remedy”, NCHA and PCCHA novice top ten world champion.
- “Cal’s Condor”, aged event finalist and multiple PCCHA Champion.
- “Mollie Montana”, Pacific Coast Cutting Stakes Classic Champion.

Larry Trocha and Mollie Montana;
Pacific Coast Cutting Stakes Classic Champions
Check out Larry’s horse training and lesson fees.
A note to you from Larry Trocha…
What I believe about you.
I believe you came to my website for a specific reason.
More than likely, you’re looking for a solution to improve your horse’s performance or improve your horse training skills.
Either, you want to fix a behavior problem (bucking, rearing, kicking etc) or you’re looking to take your horse to a higher level of training (reining, cutting, cow horse etc).
No matter what your reason… I’m glad you found your way to my website.
My reason for being here.
I started my horse training business in 1980.
Competing in AQHA and NCHA competition, I’ve done well in reining, cow horse and cutting (year-end championships, aged-event championships, many time finalist, etc).
I’ve ridden some really good horses that were "born naturals" and an absolute joy to train.
And I’ve also had plenty of "problem" horses that were a son-of-a-gun to get trained.
Because of that, I’ve been able to learn and develop a wide variety of training techniques.
My goal here is to share with you some of the things I’ve learned that get good results. Not just techniques that work well for me… but training techniques that will work well for YOU!
This is what troubles me.
It’s not their fault… but people have so many misconceptions about horses and horse training.
They have misconceptions about what’s right and what’s wrong… what works and what doesn’t… what’s reality and what’s simply a fantasy.
They have misconceptions that can be dangerous for the horse owner.
Misconceptions that can make a horse’s life MISERABLE.
Misconceptions that can lead to frustration and the feeling of failure.
Even a person who is honestly trying to learn, can end up with the wrong ideas.
He’ll watch popular horse training programs on television or he’ll study a trainer’s DVD series.
Unfortunately, many horse trainers (and clinicians) don’t tell people the whole truth.
For some reason, they feel it’s necessary to present a less-than-accurate version of what a successful training program actually is.
Most are so afraid of offending somebody, they carefully choose touchy-feely, politically-correct language so as not to step on anybody’s toes.
Their training demonstrations are done using horses that never make a mistake. They seldom show how to deal with "difficult" horses that make mistakes or don’t cooperate.
As a result, the viewer comes away with a DISTORTED understanding of true horse nature and horse training.
It shouldn’t be that way!
I believe people need to know the truth… they need to see training that works in the "real world" on "real horses".
What I have to offer.
I’ve produced an entire set of DVDs and online videos that I feel do a good job of showing how to train a horse.
Videos that show how to start colts or re-train older horses.
Videos for training cutting horses, reining horses, reined cow horses and more.
Each video goes into great detail.
I explain exactly what you need to do… step-by-step… in PLAIN ENGLISH.
The instructions are easy to understand, direct and to the point.
I should point out, the methods demonstrated in the videos are not the only way to train a horse but they’re a very good way.
A way that has proven to work well for me and my clients, on a wide variety of horses.
By the way, in each video, I also cover extensive training for the RIDER.
No horse will perform well if the person on his back doesn’t use their hands, legs and seat correctly.
What it’ll do for you.
Bottom line, my training videos will help you get outstanding results!
And if you have a decent horse, you’ll get those results really fast.
Would you like to see an example? Check out the free information on this website.
You’ll find articles, blog posts and free cheat sheets.
What I want you to do.
The FIRST thing is to subscribe to my email list.
This gets you access to special stuff which other folks don’t have access to.
Information that is so good, you’ll wonder why I’m not charging for it. (I’m not exaggerating, just look at all the comments at the bottom of the Home page)
If you’re unsure if it’s the right thing for you to do, then answer this simple question…
Do you want to improve your horsemanship and training skills or not?
If your answer is "NOT"… that’s fine. But you may as well leave now because that’s what this entire website is about.
If your answer is "YES"… then good. Join me and let’s get started.
The SECOND thing you should do is take a look at my Horse Training DVDs and Online Horse Training Video Courses and pick out the ones that best suit your needs.
I recommend you order one of the DVD "Training Packages" as they offer the best value at a DISCOUNTED price.
Good luck with training your horse.
Larry Trocha
Larry Trocha Training Stable